How Hormone Replacement Therapy Helps Women With High Levels Of Testosterone

The human body contains a large number of different hormones, each of which affects it in different ways. For example, testosterone produces a large number of masculine features that are common in many men. However, women with a higher than average amount of this hormone in their systems may struggle to feel normal and may need replacement therapy to help.  High Testosterone Can Be Upsetting for Many Women Every woman has some testosterone in their bodies but at much lower levels than men. Read More 

Your Skin Is Unique—And Needs Unique Medications

Nobody's skin is exactly alike. Some people tan easily while others burn instantly. Some people have constantly rosy cheeks while others never seem to blush. Some babies are much more prone to diaper rash than others, no matter what their parents do. So, if you're having an issue with your skin and the product you currently use is not working, it could be because your skin is unique to you. You will have better luck using a compounding pharmacy that offers dermatology compounds. Read More 

How To Get More Out Of Your Gym Memberships

While you can get fit for free by running in the park or following along with workout videos on YouTube, it's often worth paying for a gym membership. With a gym membership, you obviously get access to a lot of fitness equipment, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Here are some ways to get more out of your gym membership and make it even more worthwhile. 1. Attend classes. Read More 

Is It Time To Consider A Hearing Aid? Watch For These Signs

Most people experience minor difficulty with hearing in certain situations. Temporary hearing loss can be a problem when suffering from an ear or sinus infection, but it can also be caused by several other health issues, including trauma to the brain or head, circulatory problems, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, and some other types of neurological conditions. Some types of prescription drugs can also cause temporary loss or changes in hearing. Read More 

Important Nutrients To Look For In Your Fertility Supplement

If you are currently trying to get pregnant, then it is a good idea to start taking supplements. Many supplements may help you get pregnant, and they will also assist in ensuring that your growing child is healthy from the start. If you want to know about some important things to look for in your fertility supplements, keep reading.  Folic Acid Folic acid is one of the most important nutrients that you should be consuming if you are trying to get pregnant. Read More