You've been working as a salesperson for years and you've achieved a level of success that keeps you very busy. However, you've recently experienced fallen arches on your feet and you aren't sure if you can stay active on them for much longer. Thankfully, custom orthotics can help here.
Fallen Arches Can Impact Your Career
As a salesperson, you are constantly on your feet and moving from place to place to make big deals.
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If you have heard about other people getting body contouring, you might have thought about that as being something that you want to have done for yourself. This might be especially tempting if you have friends that have gone this route and you have been able to see how happy they are. If you are still not sure as to whether this is something that you want to have done, you will want to spend a little time checking out the following points.
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When you go into the medical field, especially when it comes to nursing, you will be asked to wear special types of protective equipment on occasion. This is true when it comes to situations where you may come into contact with airborne diseases, like tuberculosis. Airborne illnesses specifically require respiration N95 masks. They need to be fitted to you with the assistance of qualitative fit testing. Keep reading to learn why this is necessary and also how the fit testing will be completed.
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Your ankles do a lot of work. They help to hold up your entire body, which is a lot of work. They also help move your body wherever you need to go. If your ankles are weak, it can make doing even the simplest of tasks, such as walking, difficult, or you could end up injuring yourself. Read on for exercises and stretches to strengthen your ankles.
Stand On One Leg
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Parents with children who have been diagnosed with craniosynostosis often undergo extreme worry and stress regarding the health of their child. However, learning about the condition can help alleviate some of the fears parents have for their child's health.
The following are five things parents should be aware of regarding craniosynostosis:
Children affected with craniosynostosis sometimes show no symptoms at the time of birth.
Doctors sometimes are not aware that a child has craniosynostosis until some time after birth.
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