2 Important Things Your OB-GYN Needs You To Know About Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience, but it can be full of physical and emotional surprises. Unfortunately, most women go to their friends and family for advice that may or may not be best for their and their unborn baby's health. If you are currently pregnant or are planning to become pregnant in the near future, seeking advice from your obstetrician is best. Here are a few things your doctor wants to tell you about your pregnancy.

You Are Not Eating For Two

If you listen to some people, you may believe you can eat for two and not experience any issues because you are pregnant. Unfortunately, gaining an excessive amount of weight can increase your risk of many issues including preeclampsia and diabetes. These conditions are not only dangerous to your health and your body's ability to deliver your baby, but the high blood pressure and diabetes can also harm your unborn child.

Every person is different, so you may gain a weight differently than other pregnant woman. However, most doctors recommend a weight gain of 1 to 5 pounds each week during your first trimester and around 1 pound per week throughout the rest of your pregnancy.

If you are overweight when you first become pregnant, working with a nutritionist may be best to ensure you do not gain too much weight during the pregnancy.

Do Not Stop Taking Your Meds

If you are on any prescription medications when you first learn you are pregnant, do not stop taking them. Consult your doctor before foregoing the use of any medications, even if you believe they are harmful to your pregnancy and unborn child. Stopping certain medications abruptly could place you and your baby at risk.

Anti-seizure medications do have a risk of causing birth defects. Unfortunately, stopping this medication could cause you to have a seizure while pregnant. This seizure can lead to a miscarriage or other complications.

Also, be sure your doctor knows about any anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medications you may be taking. While some are safe to take during pregnancy, others can cause severe issues to your unborn baby's health.

Pregnancy does not have to be physically and emotionally overwhelming. With proper education and following the advice of your OB-GYN, you can have a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy.

Your doctor will need to know the name of the medication, dosage, and reason for taking it so they can determine if an alternative treatment will be necessary while you are pregnant. 
