3 Signs That You May Need To Take Your Child To The Eye Doctor

When your children are young, they can't necessarily tell you when they aren't seeing things well. They may either not understand why their vision is the way it is, or their eyes may have always been like this so they don't know anything different. In any case, it is important that you watch your child, and if they display any signs that indicate they have a vision problem, then you are going to want to take them into the eye doctor. This article will discuss 3 signs that may indicate a problem. 

Constant Squinting

If you notice that your child is squinting their eyes all the time, this is a sign that they are trying harder to see something. This squinting is obviously not going to help them, and is likely going to cause their head to hurt if they are doing it all the time. Taking your child into the optometrist can allow you to be sure that their vision is for sure the reason for their squinting, and will allow you to get them the prescription lens glasses that they need in order to see clearly, without squinting. 

Holding Books Closely When Reading

If you notice that your child holds books extra close to their face when they are reading, this may be because they are trying to see the words more clearly. You can often ask them if they are holding the book close to see the words more clearly, or if this is where they naturally hold a book. In either case, it is going to be smart to have their eyes checked out just in case there is a problem with their vision. 

Crossed Eyes Or A Lazy Eye

If you notice that one or both of your child's eyes are not in the same place at the same time, but instead cross inward and outward, this is a sure sign to take them into the eye doctor. This is defined as either crossed eyes or a lazy eye, and can be very serious. Your child is obviously not going to be able to see clearly if this is happening to them, and it can cause them a variety of issues --from headaches to tripping-- due to depth and perception issues. The cause of this is likely due to weak eye muscles, and is only going to be successfully treated by your child's optometrist. They may not be able to completely fix the issue with glasses alone, but may suggest some surgical options down the road. Visit a site like www.allabouteyes.com to learn more.
