7 Frequently Asked Questions About Eye Safety At Work
Injuries at work are all too common. In fact, approximately 2,000 employees in the United States may sustain injuries to the eyes at work in a single day. The proper type of eye shield may very well be able to lessen the impact of injuries to the eyes. Eye shields and covers prevent injuries lie splashes, burns, exposure to radiation, and pieces of debris. These frequently asked questions and answers will clear up some of your concerns about eye safety on the job.
1. Why do eye injuries occur in the workplace?
Eye injuries most commonly occur because individuals involved do not wear shields or other eye protection. In some cases, it is not the lack of protection that leads to injury but the wrong kind of eye protection. Goggles, face shields, and safety glasses are typically good choices depending on the type of hazard presented. The most common hazards include projectiles, chemicals, radiation, and pathogens in body fluids.
2. Which industries have the most eye injuries?
Industries with the most eye accidents include manufacturing, construction, mining, and auto repair. Carpentry, electrical work, plumbing, and welding often seem innocuous enough, but they also can be quite dangerous.
3. What kind of eyewear protects against projectiles?
Flying objects and dust can provide extensive damage to the eyes. Safety glasses should be worn in circumstances with projectiles and dust, and these glasses should offer side shields as well.
4. What kind of eyewear protects best against chemicals?
Goggles typically provide good protection against most chemicals.
5. What kind of eyewear should be worn when welding or working with lasers?
Working with any sort of hazardous radiation, including welding or operating lasers, requires the use of special safety glasses. Many people wear not only safety goggles but also face shields and helmets.
6. How can I find proper eyewear if I wear glasses?
Speaking with an optometrist can help ensure that your eyes have proper protection when you are at work. It is essential that you explain the potential dangers of your work to your eye doctor as well.
7. Is it safe to wear contact lenses while working in a hazardous environment?
While you may wear contact lenses in addition to other safety gear, you must still be just as cautious about your eye safety and health as those who do not wear lenses or who wear glasses. In fact, contact lenses might actually be helpful for those with vision issues, offering a wider field of vision. Contacts may be safer as well because they offer less distortion of the visual field than glasses.
Caring for your eyes is essential, and staying up to date with eyewear is part of protecting yourself. Armed with this knowledge, you can make better decisions for your workplace.
For more information, contact Kolberg Ocular Supplies, INC. or a similar company.